Dec 21, 2009

Laibach - VOLK TOUR London CC Club (2007)

Album: Live at the CC Club
Formats: CD
Release Date: 16th April 2007

The CD was made on the night the concert took place and was available to the audience about five minutes after the performance ended. It's split into two CDs and encased in a digipak with a plain black design with the V shaped Volk emblem, there's no track listings instead just the credit notes on the inside. The first CD is the Volk part of the show and the second CD features the more up-tempo and forceful part with the tracks mainly coming from WAT.

01. Germania
02. America
03. Anglia
04. Rossiya
05. Francia pt. 1
06. Francia pt. 2
07. Italia
08. España
09. Yisra’el
10. Türkiye
11. Zhonghuá
12. Nippon
13. Slovania
14. NSK

01. Tanz mit Laibach
02. Alle Gegen Alle
03. Du Bist Unser
04. Hell: Symmetry
05. Achtung!
06. Das Spiel Ist Aus
07. Iturk Laibach mix


PASS : abraxas365

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