Dec 5, 2010

Aftermath (1994)

Dakle, nekrofilija u fulu, nekrofilija kakva do tad a ni posle Aftermatha nije prikazana na filmu, i zaista, ja mislim da realističnije od ovoga ne može, jedino da nabace prave leševe, mada videćete, ove lutke tolko realno izgledaju da čovek može vrlo lako da se zajebe, ono, ti gledaš Aftermath solo u sobi a uleti ti npr. ćale i pomisli da drkaš na leševe, i dok mu ti objasniš da je to samo igrani film, roditelji te se već odrekli i eto te na ulici. Zajebi to, dakle diskrecija ultra obavezna pri gledanju ovog filma, a ko preživi mucaće i imaće tikove. (30 min)


"A woman dies tragically in an automobile accident but the true horror awaits her after death. What happens to the body after the spirit has moved on and the corpse is at the mercy of those who manhandle the dead? What manner of creature is it that tears our bodies apart only to put them back together again? Whether we like it or not, we are all at the mercy of the coroners knife and the abuse and indignities we suffer are strictly up to him."
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