Feb 6, 2011

Abnormal Psychology - The Schizophrenias

Schizophrenia has emerged as one the diseases that are affecting our society at a large extent in modern days. Schizophrenia affects life of a person suffering from this disorder in thousands of ways, effects and severity of the problem varies from person to person who is suffering from schizophrenia. The disease is considered to affect teens and those who are around 20-22 year of age, but in reality, this disorder can affect people of any age and sex and also it does not depend upon the geographical environment. Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which a person suffering from it experiences delusions, hallucinations and some thought disorders. A person suffering from this disorder seems to have lost in the world, which is far away from reality, they experience some abnormal things and their behavior changes from normal to something that is abnormal.


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