Jul 18, 2011

Death Row Diaries (1998)

"SHE lives in a grey concrete box. It is full of stuffed animal, toys, family photographs and trinkets depicting angels. She is allowed one hour every day for exercise. She is 22 years old. She is sentenced to die. The spartan 3 m by 3.5 m cell at the maximum security prison for women in Nashville, Tennessee, is her last home. There is virtually no chance that Christa Gail Pike, the youngest woman on America's death row, will ever leave prison alive. In 1996, the then 19-year-old Pike was sentenced to die by electrocution for an unspeakably horrific crime. But Pike has a face that beguiles easily. Catherine Crier, the host of an American television news programme called Fox Files, described her as having a "sweet voice and childlike manner." A juror at Pike's trial put it better: "She has an angel's face and a devil's heart."

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