Aug 26, 2011

The Last 48 Hours of Kurt Cobain (2006)

"On April 1st 1994 Kurt Cobain jumped over the wall of the drug rehabilitation centre he was staying at in LA. On April 8th an electrician discovered his body at his home in Seattle. During those seven days Kurt was officially listed as a missing person. This documentary speaks to some of the people who saw or met up with him in that last week. The woman who watched him lick his plate clean, and fail to sign a cheque, in his local restaurant; Duff Mckagan, former bass player of Guns n Roses, who sat next to him on the plane back to Seattle; his drug counsellor from rehab. There are also those who claim to have seen him in those last few days, to have touched the hem of his cloth. And there is Brant, who saw him in a dream the night before he died. It is a film about the generation of a myth. Of the deification of Cobain and the eery silence that fell over Seattle in the days following his death, when his ghost wandered the city."

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