Jan 27, 2010

Morbid Angel: Tales of The Sick - A Closer Look (2009)

Run time:61min

"MORBID ANGEL can still, despite their recent shortcomings, never fail to elicit a spirited cheer within the Metal underground. They single-handedly crafted some of the deadliest, most sinister riffs in American Metal history. For that, they are forever deserving of the utmost respect. "Blessed Are The Sick" was their second album, the "B" album - an album that was, and is, appreciated just as much as "Altars Of Madness" even though the two albums sound very unalike. As Trey Azagthoth, the guitarist, himself explained in an old video interview, "Blessed Are The Sick", "...has got fast stuff, it's got slow, sludgy stuff. It's got everything." True to his word, "Blessed…" is much more varied in focus than its predecessor. 'Tales of the sick - a closer look' predominantly focuses on the creation and promotion of "Blessed Are The Sick". It contains interviews of band members, studio engineers, techs, and tour managers who were all involved in the (often painful) cultivation of the metal magnum opus."


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