Oct 26, 2009

Laibach - Life is Life (1987) - video spot

Filmed out in the Slovenian Alps. Just like the previous video seemed like something from the Third Reich, again there was no direct connections such as swastikas, Nazi salutes or anything else strongly identified with the Nazis. However the overall effect was something like an outdoor Third Reich propaganda film. It was deliberately designed to be provocative, and not without the consequences. The videos were banned in the USA but at least it wasn't going to be as difficult to gain entry to the US than it was as communists.
                                                        When we all give the power
We all give the best
Every minute in the hour
We don't think about the rest
And we all get the power
We all get the best
When everyone gives everything
Then everyone everything will get
Life is life!
Life is life
When we all feel the power
Life is life
When we all feel the pain
Life is life
It's the feeling of the people
Life is life
It is the feeling of the land.
When we all give the power
We all give the best
Every minute in the hour
We don't think about the rest
And everyone gives everything
And every soul everyone will feel
Life is life!
And we're all glad it's over
We thought it would last
Every minute of the future
Is a memory of the past
Coz' we gave all the power
We gave all the best
And everyone lost everything
And perished with the rest.
Life is life!

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