Dec 23, 2011

Cut Up Kids (2007)

Emma Parsons

Runtime: 60 min

"Self-harming causes almost 500 young people in Britain to be hospitalised every week. Parents, teachers and friends are often unaware of what is going on, and it's an issue that affects every class in society. This insightful documentary focuses on the taboo subject of teenage self-harm. Cut Up Kids follows three adolescents who hurt themselves as a way of coping with their problems. Fifteen-year-old Beth suffers from arthritis and started cutting herself with a scalpel after being bullied at school. Privately-educated Tor began cutting herself after feeling under pressure to achieve good grades and Gary, now aged 20, has been self-harming since he was sent to a children's home aged 13. This emotional programme follows these young people on their journeys to solve their problems and heal themselves."

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