Dec 25, 2011

Johnny Cash in San Quentin (1969)

Michael Darlow

Runtime: 51 min

"Produced originally for Granada TV in the UK, the film follows Johnny Cash, et al, through the performance. Key moments with June Carter and Carl Perkins are featured, and Cash's inimitable stage presence can reach through 40 years and a TV screen to electrify you.

Still, the most haunting images from the documentary include interviews with prisoners at San Quentin, many of whom are in prison for life or longer. Interviews focus on topics that result in the men discussing facing the gas chamber or trying to visit with their family members. The disenfranchisement and dehumanization of the prisoners becomes less apparent as they talk about growing up in poverty and living with severe guilt for the wrongs they've done.

Then it cuts back to Cash singing "San Quentin," like he knows what he's talking about. His head cocked back, a half-grin crawls across his face. "San Quentin," he sings, "May you rot and burn in hell," and the men you just watched lamenting on their wives hoot and whistle, hollar and scream like it's all they have left. After the song, ever the smart aleck, Cash says, "If the guards are still speaking to me, can I have a glass of water?" Naturally, a guard complies, so Cash plays the song again."

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