Apr 15, 2011

A2 (2001)

"The captivating story of the notorious Aum Shinrikyo cult continues in director Tatsuya Mori's fascinating follow-up to the 1998 documentary A. In 1995 Aum leader Shoko Asahara went to trial for his role in the 1995 poison gas attack on the Tokyo subways, but even as he languished behind bars his followers continued to maintain their extreme beliefs and doctrines. In the years that followed a name change and a new leader found the Aum cult attempting to distance themselves from the horrors of the past, though harsh criticism and constant attacks from the media, the authorities, and everyday citizens made the prospect of lying low increasingly difficult. In addition to broadening his scope to get a better understanding of Aum's inner workings, director Mori's sequel also provides remarkable insight into the more unseemly aspects of modern day Japan."


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