Apr 18, 2011

Invocation of My Demon Brother (1969)

 There is a theme which becomes evident early on in the film. The theme seems to be evil and the occult. The images seem to get more abstract and symbolic as the film goes on. The symbolism used throughout of devils, spiders, and tattoos are all associated by that theme. Repetition of images adds to the abstractness of the film. The white haired man in the beginning is shown again later as well as his tattoo. The helicopter with the Marines is shown twice during the film. The Magus is shown repeatedly throughout the film.Toward the end of the film the band members, who were flashed on the screen briefly twice before, are shown again walking down the staircase. The Egyptian eye in probably the most repeated image throughout the film.
 The film's inner meaning is evidenced by the shot of the mummy coming down the stairs with the sign around its neck. The sign reads, "Zap. You're Pregnant. That's Witchcraft." I interpreted this to mean that Anger wants to instill his ideas and his theme into the viewer. The film is supposed to do that, which he interprets as a form of magic or witchcraft. You become pregnant with the images and ideas that Anger presents to you. They become part of your experience. The very first image in Invocation is of the three dots arranged in a pyramid form. The very last image is the same three dots in an inverted pyramid form. This can be interpreted as a sign of evil (2 horns on top of a head). You begin the film innocent, not knowing what you will see. Then, after seeing the images of the film, they get put into your experience and/or consciousness and you are transformed. The dots are symbolic of the viewer before they watch the film and then after, further evidence that Anger's goal was to transform his audience and work his form of magic through film on us.
 The description Anger himself gives for Invocation of My Demon Brother is as follows:
The shadowing forth of Our Lord Lucifer, as the Powers of Darkness gather at a midnight mass. The dance of the Magus widdershins around the Swirling Spiral Force, the solar swastika, until the Bringer of Light- Lucifer- breaks through.
 From this it may mean that the ritual being performed is a sort of seance to "invoke" the devil. In that interpretation, Anger is saying that the devil must be his other side, his alter-ego, his "demon brother."
-- Chris Morrison

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